Saturday 22 May 2010

Apathy towards the condition of our roads

Like so many things that the average Indian has come to accept despite knowing that it is not proper(such as the poor electricity supply, poor standard of government services in general be it the hospitals, schools, local administration at village/panchayats or municipalities or metropolitan administrations, there seems to be an acceptance of the poor condition of roads. That does not mean there is no protest, demonstration or appeal to authorities. But there is no consistent and concerted effort until the objectives are achieved. Even when there is such concerted effort, the objectives themselves are set to such low level that, overall cost of the projects remain high. There is no understanding among people as to what constitutes a proper road. This is not surprising as the majority of Indian population have never seen a proper road. Those who have seen are few and seem to have not been able to dedicate the amount of effort and time that is required to achieve the objective of securing a proper road anywhere in the country. Unlike industries and services where private initiative has been able to achieve such objective, roads being essentially public property are very difficult to finance such private initiatives.

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